Tue. Jan 14th, 2025
Wedding Planner Template and Checklist for Microsoft Access
Wedding Planner Template and Checklist for Microsoft Access

For future bride and groom, check out the wedding planner template! We know that wedding need a lot of preparation and money. This template won’t help you in getting new fundings or what should you do. Instead, this template will help you to planning the wedding activities and spending the funding for your wedding effectively and efficiently so you won’t be messed up in financially in each wedding activities.
There are only 2 menus here, a main featured menu and reports menu. Let’s take a look..

Wedding Plan Categories

The first menu is purposed to record what do wedding planners do. It is consisted of category field on header and planning activity in lower sub-form. In the category field, we suggest you to type based on the months to planning a wedding timeline. The lower form of wedding planner template is where you write the detailed steps and activities from your wedding planning. Input the activity title in Description field. Select the option status, the date when the activity finished, and lastly the cost of that activity.

wedding planner template
wedding planner template

Since there is no primary key ID, you have to be careful in naming the activity. Make sure that there’s no redundant activity, which you can check by Search box in the bottom. However, this is easily solved by modifying the wedding planner template, as well adding the actual started date field. In Status field, currently there are 4 options. You can add new status by clicking the drop-down menu. Then, click the small square icon, which has been referred in small red circle in the picture below. The dialog box will be popped up, just like in picture below. You can input your new status and hit OK button. You can select the default value of the status field too.
wedding planning checklist
wedding planning checklist


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Wedding Planner Reports

The last menu in wedding planner template is report. It will present the wedding check off list in printable manner. You can use the summarized report for marriage planning checklist. In the bottom of the list, there is an auto calculated grand total of the costs which you can compare with your available and provided budget. It is possible to remove the status field and replaced it with check box for easier look.
The report is sorted by Category in previous menu. This is why it be best to name the category based on timely period.

marriage planning checklist
marriage planning checklist


Review Summary of Wedding Planner Template and Checklist

The wedding planner template is helping you to planning the activity for your wedding and its cost. You can plan the wedding timeline by naming the Category field into periodic name, like monthly or weekly. You can use the printable report as wedding planning checklist.
Aside for wedding, you can modify and customize the template into something else, e.g. as furniture or room planning, or even wish list item checklist. Remember, the template is open source. And one more thing, you can modify the report and add check box in the report for your check list. Lastly, you can download the wedding planner template for free at access-templates.com.
Download Wedding Planner Template and Checklist for Microsoft Access